This week is National Lutheran Schools Week and we have lots of fun things to do to celebrate!
Indoor Olympics:
Indoor Olympics is this
Friday! Friday is an early dismissal day,
and school will be out at 11:15 AM.
Dress Up Days:
Monday: Marathon Monday—dress like
you would to run a race (like Fall Fest).
Tuesday: Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tuesday—dress in your favorite sports gear (doesn’t have to be baseball).
Wednesday: World Traveler Wednesday—dress like a tourist
Thursday: Throwback Thursday—to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Indoor Olympics,
dress in ‘80s fashion/clothes, the era Indoor Olympics was started.
Friday: Indoor Olympics! Dress wacky with your team colors! Remember, you have to be able to run and move
in your outfit.
Fine Arts Family
Night—Thursday, January 30 from 6-7 PM
BL will turn into an art gallery
on Thursday night! Join us for an open
house and our family fun fine arts night!
Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we’ll be talking about some events in Jesus’
life leading up to His ministry. We’ll
be talking about Jesus being presented in the temple as a baby. This shows that Mary and Joseph were Jews who
followed the law that was given to Moses.
Then we’ll talk about John baptizing Jesus and we’ll discuss John’s
proclamation of who Jesus is.
This week in math we’ll begin using equations to add and subtract two-digit
numbers. We’ll walk through the steps of
adding and subtracting, and we’ll be practicing regrouping (when I was growing
up, we called regrouping “carrying the one” or “borrowing”).
Language Arts:
This week our phonics concept is “Kind Old Words.” We’ll look at words with a few specific endings
that have a long vowel sound. The endings
are: -ind, -ild, -old, -olt, -ost.
Social Studies:
We’ll continue learning about North America by learning about three major plant
regions in North America. We’ll also
connect that to different regions around the world.
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