
Bethlehem Lutheran School provides a Christian education, preparing the whole child for life-long learning and service to the Lord.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Week 33

Springtime brings with it a busy season, both in school and outside of school!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we'll be looking at Pentecost, when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with His people.  We'll also learn about a woman named Tabitha and how she was restored to life.  We'll discuss how she served God, and connect that to ways we can serve God.

This week in math we'll be measuring!  This week we're focusing on inches.  We'll also use our measurements to make line plots, and we'll finish off the week estimating lengths using feet.

Language Arts:
This week we're reviewing the concept of /k/ and /sh/ spelled with ch.  We'll practice using not only this spelling rule, but also the spelling rules we've already practiced this year to become stronger in this concept.

Chapel Skit!
2nd grade gets the chance to share a chapel message on Wednesday, May 15, so this week we'll be practicing out chapel skit!  We'll read through it and add some of the actions to it.  We're looking forward to sharing it with you on May 15!

Social Studies:
This week we'll also continue to work on our social studies unit on cultures.  We'll review what we've learned in our magazine, and we'll work on solidifying our understanding of the vocabulary through some activities together.  We'll take the test next week.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Week 32

There are a few different illnesses going around, so I'll be saying extra prayers for health for all of the students this week!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we'll be talking about some key events that happened after Jesus' resurrection from the dead.  We'll discuss Jesus appearing to His disciples and to Peter.  We'll talk about Jesus as our Good Shepherd, and then we'll discuss His ascension and what He called His disciples to do before He ascended.

In math this week we'll continue on with our unit on three-digit subtraction.  This week we'll be focusing on subtracting with zeros and regrouping with zeros.  We'll finish off with mixing addition and subtraction, and then we'll do a review and take our test on this unit.

Language Arts:
This wek in language arts we'll be using the "ch" digraph to make the /k/ and /sh/ sounds.  We'll talk about how it is still a digraph when it makes those sounds, and we'll practice using these spellings.

This week in science we'll make trash sculptures using various solids.  We'll examine the traits of solids and liquids, and we'll use those traits to determine whether sand is a solid or a liquid. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Week 31

We have a nice, normal week coming up!

Book Forms:
Our book order forms are due back on Friday, April 19.  Even if you’re not ordering, please sign and return the form.  In order for our class to get a free book to have in our classroom library, every student needs to return a form signed by a parent.  Thanks!

Charlotte’s Web:
We finished reading Charlotte’s Web last week and we’ll be watching the movie on Thursday!  I’ll provide popcorn and a Capri Sun for each student.  The kids are welcome to bring extra snacks in their lunch to snack on during the movie, too.

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we get to look at Jesus’ resurrection and Him appearing to Mary.  We’ll get to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead, and we’ll connect the story with our own lives.

This week in math we’ll finish up our module on three-digit addition and we’ll begin our module on three-digit subtraction.  This practice will help them master addition and subtraction with regrouping throughout the place values.

Language Arts:
This week we’ll tackle the concept of the /f/ sound spelled ph and -gh.  Look for the letter going home on Monday with the concept explained.

This week in science we’ll continue sorting materials using different traits.  This time, we’ll test the hardness of some different materials and we’ll sort them based on that test.

Social Studies:
We’ll start our unit on cultures.  We’ll discuss what things are part of a group’s culture.  We’ll discuss rice and its importance in different cultures, and we’ll discuss values and where they’re taught.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Week 30

We have a full week ahead of us, and we'll be starting some exciting things!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we'll be talking about Peter denying Jesus.
  We'll use the word "confess" to discuss confessing our sins and confessing our faith.  We'll also learn about Jesus dying and being buried, looking ahead to His resurrection.

In math this week we'll be moving into three-digit addition and subtraction.
  This will be a good module for the students to solidify the foundation of regrouping and adding and subtracting, while still learning something new.

We'll start our science unit on solids and liquids and how they change.
  We'll start off by discussing science safety and decorating our workbooks.  We'll also sort gemstones based on different traits.  This will lay the groundwork for discussing traits of solids and liquids.

Publishing a Book!
The 2nd grade class publishing a book!  We will be publishing it through a company called Studentreasures Publishing.  You will have the opportunity to preorder a book (paying with either cash, check, or credit card online), if you'd like.  There is special pricing for parents who order online.  A note is coming home today with information on how to order.  Even if you are not ordering, please check the box at the bottom of the note and sign the form so we can receive a free copy of the book to put in our class library.


IMPORTANT:  In order for the class to receive a free copy of the book to put in our classroom library, every student needs to return the note, with a parent signature at the bottom, even if you are not ordering.


Notes are due back Friday, April 19.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Week 29

We have a short week ahead of us, but it will be full!

Read In!
K-2 is doing a read in on Thursday, March 28!  Students can wear pajamas and can bring one stuffed animal, one blanket, and one pillow!  We'll spend the day celebrating literature and doing fun reading activities!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we'll be discussing Palm Sunday and Jesus riding into Jerusalem.  We'll also read about Jesus' farewell words to His disciples.  This will get us ready for Holy Week this week.

Language Arts:
This week we'll be reviewing the last four spelling concepts: /aw/ spelled aw and au, contractions with the words "would," "have," and "will," other uses for silent e, and y as a vowel.

We'll also continue reading our book Money Matters!  We'll learn some new vocabulary and we'll write some answers, responding to our reading.  

We'll be finishing our module on algebra, using bar models to add and subtract to find the missing numbers in an equation.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Week 28

We have a fun week ahead of us!

Fun Day!
We have our All-School Fun Day coming up on Thursday, March 21!  This was one of the incentives that the school earned through their Fall Fest fundraising.  On this day, there will be no homework and no school work.  The students will spend all day rotating through fun activities, including card-writing for missionaries, BINGO, an extra fun P.E. activity, a movie, and ending the day with the Zaniac at 1:45!  Lunch will also be provided that day.  Each student will get one hot dog, a bag of chips, and a Capri Sun.  If your student would like to bring more food to supplement this lunch, they're welcome to!  They can also bring a snack for morning recess, as usual.  This will also be an extra spirit wear day!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we'll be learning about the Transfiguration of Jesus.  We'll determine when we see Jesus as true man and when we see Him as true God.  We'll also learn about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and we'll connect that with Easter and our own promise of salvation.

This week in math we'll start algebra, but don't worry--we're starting with basic missing addends!  We'll be using bar models to identify what we know and what we're missing in the equation.  We'll be using drawings and equations to represent addition and subtraction situations, analyzing the word problems to determine how we're going to solve it.

Language Arts:
This week in Language Arts we'll be looking at using y as a vowel, specifically when it says a short i sound.  We'll be practicing lots of different and interesting words, and I've encouraged the students to use the words we work on in class to help them study, as I'll be pulling from those words for our practice test and final test on Friday.

Social Studies:
We'll also be continuing our unit on Heroes in Social Studies.  This week we'll be looking at those who fought for women's rights.  We'll also talk about farmworkers' rights, and we'll discuss who is on Mount Rushmore and why.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Week 27

We have a full week ahead of us!  Here's what we're doing this week:

We'll be finishing up our module on addition and subtraction fluency.  We'll use some of the strategies we've learned to add 3 and 4 two-digit numbers, looking for doubles, tens, and near doubles to help us add quickly and accurately. 

Christian Studies:
We'll learn about the parable of the sower this week and we'll discuss how we are the soil.  We'll discuss what the soil stands for, and we'll determine which soil we'd like to be.  We'll also talk about Mary anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, and we'll tie that into Lent.

Language Arts:
This week we'll be spelling words that use a silent e for other uses (other than a magic e).  Some of the uses we'll be looking at are:
~after an "s" to distinguish it from a plural
~after an "s" to distinguish between homophones
~after a "v" or "j" to end a word
~after "th" at the end to make a voiced sound

We'll also start a new book called Money Matters!  We'll discuss things like budgeting, expenses and income, and the history of money.

Last week we learned about Georgia O'Keeffe and saw lots of examples of her artwork.  Each student received a different picture of a flower, zoomed in, and they used their pencil to draw the details they want to include.  This week we'll be using water colors to paint our flowers!

Social Studies:
We'll start a new unit on heroes.  We'll discuss what heroes are and how they help us.  We'll also talk about heroes for freedom in history.

About Mrs. Picker

Mrs. Rebekah Picker grew up just across the river in Hermiston, Oregon. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon in 2010 with a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education with a minor in Professional Church Work. In May of 2014, Rebekah received her Master of Education degree from Heritage University. She started at Bethlehem in 2010. Rebekah is married to David, who works as a sales manager in the Tri-Cities area. She also has two daughters and a son. Fun fact: Rebekah is a mirror-image twin, meaning that she is right-handed and her identical twin is left-handed.