
Bethlehem Lutheran School provides a Christian education, preparing the whole child for life-long learning and service to the Lord.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Week 8

We have a really short week this week, but it will be filled with fun learning!

No School Wednesday-Friday:
We have school Monday and Tuesday this week, then no school Wednesday-Friday so the teachers can attend the Northwest District Educators Conference.

Spirit Wear Last Day!
Our spirit wear last day will be on Tuesday this week!

Christian Studies:
This week we’ll read about the 10 Commandments and we’ll discuss how they apply to our lives.

We’ll begin our next module on hundreds, tens, and ones this week.  We’ll be grouping tens as hundreds, then we’ll work with three-digit numbers and understand place value.

We’ll look at maps around the world and throughout history.  Then we’ll discuss the symbols used in the maps we examine, getting us ready to create our own maps of our models next week!

Language Arts:
No spelling or phonics this week, but we’ll do a week of reviewing concepts next week.

We’ll read our informational text, Places We Go.  We’ll do a first reading of the text, then we’ll do a close read.  Through our close read, we’ll pick out the main topic of each section and supporting details.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Week 7

This is the week before Fall Fest and our final push to raise money for all of the things that will positively impact our students!  All Fall Fest packets are due back on Friday, October 11, whether or not any money was raised, so please return them if you have it!

Free Dress Day!

2nd grade ONLY has a free dress day on Thursday, October 10!  Look for a note coming home today with more information!

Pumpkin Day!

The pumpkin patch is coming to BL for K-3 grades!  The kids will spend Friday morning choosing a pumpkin, decorating it, playing pumpkin games, and having a special pumpkin snack!

Christian Studies:

This week in Christian Studies we’ll continue chronologically through the Old Testament.  We’ll first learn how God delivered His people from slavery in Egypt.  We’ll also talk about Mose and Miriam’s response to being deliveredtheir songs.  We’ll discuss how these stories apply to our own lives.


In math this week, we’ll continue looking at graphs.  We’ll interpret bar graphs, and then we’ll make bar graphs to represent data.  We’ll finish off the week with a test on picture and bar graphs.

Language Arts:
This week we’ll examine our last Bossy R combination that says /er/--ur.  We’ll practice spelling words with Bossy R ur and will keep practicing our new red words for the week.

We’ll also start a new text.  We’ll start by looking at people who help their communities.  Then we’ll learn about the genre informational text.  Then we’ll read our new text: Places We Go. 


In science we’ll talk about where we can find ice and snow on Earth.  Then the students will plan out where they will put ice and snow on their models.  We’ll also start to examine patterns that we can find on Earth dealing with land and water, then we’ll add some of those patterns to our models.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Week 6

Midterm is at the end of this week, meaning we’re already 1/6 of the way through the school year!  It’s been fun to see the progress the class has made already!  We moved spots last week, so the kids are settling in to a new arrangement and we’ve gotten our routines down!

Picture Day!
Picture day is Thursday, October 3.  Packets went home last week, but if you need another, you can either pick one up in the office or let me know and I’ll send one home with your child.  Even if you don’t order pictures, each child will get their picture taken for the yearbook!  I'm happy to hold onto picture packets until Thursday, so feel free to send them in early, if they're ready!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we’ll be talking about Joseph forgiving his brothers, and we’ll relate that forgiveness to the way God forgives us.  We’ll also talk about God calling Moses and we’ll talk about how God calls us to do His work.

This week in math we’ll be finishing up our module on equal groups and starting our new module on collecting and showing data.  We’ll be taking data via a survey, and we’ll interpret and draw picture graphs.

Language Arts:
This week’s phonics concept is Bossy R -ir.  This is the second most common way to spell the sound /er/.  The kids picked up on last week’s Bossy R concept really quickly, so I have no doubt they’ll do a good job with this one!

We’ll also be looking at our story Maybe Something Beautiful and analyzing the story through close reading to discuss realistic fiction and focusing on the characters.

We categorized land last week, and this week we’ll use the types of land that we learned about to start our models of land and water.  This week we’ll add two types of land.  After we learn about types of water, we’ll add two types of water to our models and they’ll grow as we learn more.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Week 5

We have a short, but full, week ahead of us!

No School Friday:
We have no school on Friday for a professional day.  Please plan accordingly!

Fall Fest Fundraising:
Our Fall Fest fundraising is in full swing!  Envelopes can be turned in each day, and they will be returned to you.  We’re well on our way to our first incentive: spirit wear last day!  As soon as we earn it, I’ll let you know!

Christian Studies:
We’re moving through the Old Testament, and this week we’ll discuss Jacob and Esau.  We get the interesting perspective of examining the brothers years after Jacob tricks Isaac and Esau.  We’ll discuss forgiveness and link it to our forgiveness from God.  We’ll also learn how God works everything for His good, even bad things, as we discuss Joseph and some of the injustices he had to deal with.

This week in math we’ll examine odd and even numbers, using equations to represent equal groups.  We’ll also work with arrays and use addition to find the total.

Language Arts:
This week our phonics concept is Bossy R (er).  Over the next few weeks, we’ll also look at ir and ur, but this is the most common of the Bossy R combinations that says /er/.

In reading we’ll discuss ways we can make our neighborhood a better place.  We’ll also examine the characteristics of realistic fiction and find those characteristics in our text for the week: Maybe Something Beautiful.

Now that we’ve introduced the unit and the students have had a chance to show me what they know about making a map to show land and water, we’ll dive in to categorizing different types of land and discussing their characteristics.  The students will also choose two types of land to add to their clay model.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Week 4

The weather’s changing, and we’re settling into our routines and procedures!  I’m so proud of the 2nd graders not only working on our procedures these past few weeks, but also for handling changes in our schedule with grace.

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies we’ll look at the story of Abraham being tested.  We’ll connect that to God providing for us in our lives.  We’ll also talk about Isaac and Rebekah and how God’s plan happens, regardless of how people choose to try to “help.”

We’ll finish our first module in math this week, taking our test on using addition strategies to help fluently add and subtract.  We’ll also begin our second module, which focuses on number sense.  We’ll examine odd and even numbers as we end the week.

Language Arts:
This week’s spelling concept is fun, but fairly difficult to wrap our brains around.  We’ll be looking at “schwa,” which is an unstressed vowel in a word that is spelled with a surprising vowel (i.e., bacon
the “uh” sound being spelled with an o).  We’ll practice figuring out which syllable is unstressed, helping us identify the schwa.  We’ll also use the same words on our practice test as on our spelling test.

In reading we’ll read our text How Many Stars in the Sky?  We’ll use information from other texts to help us understand this text better, and we’ll do some analyzing in writing.

We’ll also begin looking at maps and how we can use them to learn more about land and water on earth.  This week we’ll see what we already know, making a map of a picture we see.  Then we’ll categorize pictures into different types of landforms and discuss a few different types of land on earth.  Throughout this unit, the students will be using clay to create a model with land and water!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Week 3

 This is our first full week of school, and if your family was anything like mine, it was hard to get moving on Monday morning!  We’ll settle into the year and build our stamina.  Until then, early bedtimes might be a good idea.

MAP Testing:
2nd grade is MAP testing this week!  We’re MAP testing first thing in the morning on Tuesday, September 10 and Thursday, September 12.  There’s more information on Seesaw, so make sure to check that out!

Christian Studies:
This week in Christian Studies, we’ll be learning about the flood and relating that to God’s salvation for us.  We’ll also be learning about Sodom and Gomorrah, which focuses heavily on following God’s rules and the consequences of going against God.  We’ll discuss God’s forgiveness for our own sins, too.

This week in math we’ll continue our module on addition, relating addition to subtraction on Monday.  We’ll also be working with mental strategies to add and subtract with fluency.  We’ll finish the week with the strategy of using a tens fact to subtract.

Language Arts:
This week in spelling we’ll be working with three-consonant blends.  Look for a note going home on Monday with some information explaining the concept.

We’ll also be looking at the characteristics of realistic fiction.  We’ll read our text selection this week, and we’ll also analyze the setting of the story.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Week 2

Even though it’s not the first week of school anymore, we still have some firsts happening this week! 

We’ll start this week with math homework.  Just a few things:

  • ·       They have time in class almost every day to complete their homework
  • ·       I give them time in class to study memory work and spelling (they may need additional time at home)
  • ·       It is the 2nd graders’ responsibility to get their logs signed, so I give them strategies for making it easy on the adults
  • ·       Getting a daily routine in place for homework in 2nd grade will equip them for future grades and the extra workload that comes with them

STAR Tests:
We took STAR tests last week.  Look for your child’s reading levels in their homework folder this week!

Reading Buddies:
We had reading buddies for the first time this week!  Check out Seesaw for a picture of your 2nd grader with their 6th grade buddy!

Flash Cards:
We’ll start flash cards this week for homework.  I provide addition flash cards to the students; however, they can use any flash cards or math fact practice they want for their 5 minutes of nightly flash cards.  Starting this week, the students will need two signatures on their homework sheets
reading and flash cards.

Christian Studies:
This week we start Christian Studies with the beginning of the world.  We’ll learn about creation and how God made everything “good.”  Then we’ll learn about humanity’s fall into sin and we’ll talk about our need for a savior.

This week in math we’ll begin our first module, which is all about fluency in addition and subtraction.  We’ll start off with using doubles facts to add, and we’ll add in some mental strategies to help become more fluent in adding.

This week we’re reviewing a spelling concept from the end of 1st grade
contractions.  We’ll not only review the spelling concept, it will also give us an opportunity to re-establish our routines and remind ourselves of the layout of our spelling for the year.  Remember that they won’t have a spelling list to memorize each week; rather, we’ll focus on a spelling concept and practice several words throughout the week, then they’ll test on words in that concept.  Our first spelling test of the year is this Friday, September 6.

Language Arts:
We’ll start our language arts by reading our first passage, How Many Stars in the Sky?  We’ll focus on the realistic fiction genre this week, and we have a few new vocabulary words we’ll be discussing: backyard, treehouse, searchlights, daylight.



About Mrs. Picker

Mrs. Rebekah Picker grew up just across the river in Hermiston, Oregon. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon in 2010 with a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education with a minor in Professional Church Work. In May of 2014, Rebekah received her Master of Education degree from Heritage University. She started at Bethlehem in 2010. Rebekah is married to David, who works as a sales manager in the Tri-Cities area. She also has two daughters and a son. Fun fact: Rebekah is a mirror-image twin, meaning that she is right-handed and her identical twin is left-handed.